Class Blog & Articles

New Beginners Course – Jan 2020

Join the upcoming Beginners Course

Bujinkan teaches Traditional Japanese martial arts, encompassing strikes, locks, throws, weapons, rolls, break-falls and balance manipulation all in order to overcome your opponent. The new beginners course begins in January 2020 and costs €75 for three months.

Classes are on Sundays from 10:30 to 13:00 in the Bujinkan Gunn Dojo located in the Greenhills Scout Hall, off Limekiln Avenue. For information on how to join, contact Hujo on 086 3890960.

Class blog 26/08/18



  • Starting from kumachi, step back with your right foot, balance shift and turn spine to the right, raise your left hand to uki’s face
  • Step forward with the left foot, balance shift, twist spine to the left and raise the right hand in a fist above uki
  • Step forward with the right foot balance shift, twist spine to the left and shuto to uki’s neck



  • Starting from kumachi, step back with your right foot, balance shift and turn spine to the right, raise your left hand to uki’s face
  • Kick with the left foot to uki’s balls and place the foot in front of uki, turn the spine to the left and raise the right hand
  • Step forward with the right leg, balance shift, twist spine to the right and shuto to uki’s neck


Kihon happo- Uru-yaku


  • Uki grabs your right, upper arm, you step out to the side raising your arm under uki’s arm
  • Peel off uki’s hand using your right hand while moving out more and apply an uru-yaku


  • Uki grabs your upper right arm from the side, step in to uki grabbing his lapel
  • Cover uki’s hand with your right hand and apply uru-yaku


Gyokko ryu-Houraku

  • Uki stands behind tori in dijodan with a wakizashi and uki stands in ichi mongi
  • Uki cuts straight down and tori steps out to the left, covers ukis hand holding the sword with his right hand and turns in applying a taki-ori with the left hand
  • Step forward with the right foot and shuto with the right hand to uki’s neck and cover the shoulder
  • Throw uki by kneeling backwards with the left leg while raising the right hand and applying pressure on the shoulder

Henka 1-

  • Same start as before but after stepping in for the shuto, turn uki’s wrist and place the right arm below ukis elbow to apply an arm bar driving uki up onto his toes
  • Kneel backwards with the right foot to throw

Henka 2-

  • Same start as before but uki moves back to avoid the shuto so you cover the shoulder
  • Step in behind uki’s foot with your right foot, driving his foot up and back and rolling the shoulder
  • Sweep uki’s right leg with your left leg


Sabaki Gata Bo Kata-Tsukeiri

  • Starting in gedan, step forward and strike to uki’s elbow
  • Release the bo with your left hand and turn the bo back
  • Repeat 6 times and then skip backwards


Muta Dori


  • There are two uki’s with swords standing close to each other, they both cut at the same time, you step forward between the two uki’s
  • Catch the two uki’s by the shoulder and move them into each other, throw the two uki’s by bending your knees and applying pressure to them turning them against each other.


  • There are two uki’s with swords standing close to each other, the uki on the right cuts and you step to the right and cover the sword
  • The second uki cuts down and you step forward and cut into him with the first sword move both swords to the centre and finish as appropriate